Black Roots is the fourth feature-length film produced and directed by American independent filmmaker Lionel Rogosin. The film gathers a number of African American folk and blues musicians in a room, where they share stories and songs about the black experience in America. Film editor Carl Lerner is credited as an "associate producer"; and Alan Lomax, along with his daughter Anna, are credited as "musical consultants." Anna Lomax also has the credit of "assistant editor."
Lionel Rogosin would reunite with Jim Collier two years later for his next film, Black Fantasy.
, 1h10 Directed byLionel Rogosin OriginUSA GenresDrama, War, Documentary ThemesDocumentary films about war, Documentary films about historical events, Political films Rating67% Un cocktail mondain à Londres. Alors que les convives font preuve d'une suffisance infinie et pérorent sur les drames du monde, des images viennent fracasser cette frivolité pour redonner du sens et de la chair à ce qui n'est plus pour eux qu'un vague bruissement du monde, alors que celui ci est en feu.