Bloodworth is a 2010 drama film directed by Shane Dax Taylor and based on Provinces of Night, a novel by William Gay. The film stars Val Kilmer, Kris Kristofferson and Hilary Duff.Synopsis
It's been 40 years since E. F. Bloodworth (Kris Kristofferson) abandoned his loving wife and sons for a life on the road as a full-time traveling musician. Now at the end of the line, Bloodworth reappears, forced to reckon with the stale aftermath of his departure. With his ex-wife Julia (Frances Conroy) mentally destroyed and his three sons, Warren (Val Kilmer), Boyd (Dwight Yoakam) and Brady (W. Earl Brown) soured by years of anger toward both him and each other, Bloodworth's only solace is a budding relationship with Fleming, the grandson he never knew. But when Fleming meets Raven (Hilary Duff), the woman of his dreams, will Bloodworth's presence force history to repeat itself?