Blue is an American western film in Panavision anamorphic, released by Paramount Pictures on May 10, 1968. Directed by Silvio Narizzano, it stars Terence Stamp, Joanna Pettet, Karl Malden, Ricardo Montalban and Stathis Giallelis.Synopsis
The year is 1880. Mexican bandit and revolutionary Ortega (Ricardo Montalban) has three sons, Xavier (Carlos East), Manuel (Stathis Giallelis) and Antonio (Robert Lipton), as well as one adopted son, Azul (Terence Stamp), which means "Blue." the color of the young man's eyes. While attacking Texas settlers, Antonio is fatally shot while Azul, feeling pity for one of the settler women, Joanne (Joanna Pettet), whom Manuel is about to rape, puts a deadly bullet into Manuel, as he is shot, himself, by one of the settlers.