My Pal Trigger is a 1946 American Western musical film directed by Frank McDonald. The screenplay by Jack Townley and John K. Butler was based upon a story by Paul Gangelin. The film stars Roy Rogers, Dale Evans, George “Gabby” Hayes, Jack Holt, and Trigger in a story about the origin of Rogers's mount, and their deep and faithful bond. The film features several musical numbers for Rogers, Evans, and Bob Nolan and the Sons of the Pioneers.Synopsis
Roy Rogers, a horse dealer and a peddler of leather goods, is hoping to mate his mare named "Lady" with Golden Sovereign, a stallion owned by rancher Gabby Kendrick (George "Gabby" Hayes). Kendrick refuses, preferring to mate the stallion with his own stock. Brett Scoville (Jack Holt), a wealthy rancher and nightclub owner, wants to mate the stallion with his mare, as well, and to that end, steals the stallion. Golden Sovereign breaks free, finds Lady, and has a romantic interlude with her in the hills.