Blue Moon Rising is a British sport documentary film released on 17 September 2010. The film title is a play on words referring to Manchester City's fan anthem, Blue Moon and chronicles the fortunes of Manchester City Football Club through the 2009-2010 football season with insight from Manchester City supporters. Shot and produced by Endemol in conjunction with the club, and features exclusive interviews with staff, players, board members and fans throughout the season.
The first trailer was unveiled in August 2010 and the film is set for gradual theatrical release on a weekly basis at different cinemas across the United Kingdom commencing the week beginning the 17 September 2010. The film was received mixed reactions from critics, with some citing very strong production values and realistic and humorous portrayal of football supporters and viewing accessibility for all football fans regardless of allegiance.
^ "Stewart Sugg". Retrieved 6 August 2010.
^ "Nick London". Retrieved 6 August 2010.
^ "Blue Moon Rising hits a big screen near you". 14 September 2010. Retrieved 15 September 2010.
^ "Blue Moon Rising (2010) DVD". Retrieved 14 September 2010.
^ "Review: Blue Moon Rising". 10 September 2010. Retrieved 15 September 2010.
^ Wheeler, Chris (10 September 2010). "Blue Moon Rising: The light side of Manchester City's rise makes essential viewing". London: Retrieved 15 September 2010.
^ "The Blue Moon Has Risen – Review Of Blue Moon Rising". 10 September 2010. Retrieved 15 September 2010.Synopsis
The film follows Manchester City in the wake of the club's takeover by Sheikh Mansour through the 2009-2010 season, capturing their emotions in victory and defeat. Whilst the documentary will also give an "access all areas" view into Manchester City Football Club including footage from the dressing room, boardroom and players' homes such as Carlos Tevez with exclusive in-depth interviews from chairman Khaldoon Al Mubarak and manager Roberto Mancini.