Blue Planet is an IMAX film directed by Ben Burtt, and produced by the IMAX Space Technology corporation for the Smithsonian Institution's National Air and Space Museum, as well as Lockheed Corporation. Filmed with the cooperation of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), it was written, edited, and narrated by Toni Myers.
Partially filmed from orbit during space shuttle missions, the film is about the planet Earth. The changes and constants are highlighted, and the film attempts to show how fragile and unique Earth is. Origins of the planet, how it has changed, what man's role in change is, and other issues are discussed. The film features footage that was filmed from space, underwater, computer animations based on satellite data, and a variety of views from the surface to illustrate the topics.Synopsis
La face cachée de la Terre vue depuis l'espace! A plus de 300 kms au-dessus de la surface de la Terre,nous pouvons distinguer des paysages familiers : l' Himalaya, les dunes géantes du désert de sable namibien,les îles Caraïbes semblables à des joyaux. De ce point de vue unique,nous voyons comment les forces de la nature - les volcans,les tremblements de terre et les hurricanes - influent sur notre planèteet comment une nouvelle force puissante - l' humanité - a commencé à changer la face de la Terre.