Boys on the Outside (Italian: Ragazzi fuori) is a 1990 Italian drama film directed by Marco Risi in the neo-neorealistic style and written by Aurelio Grimaldi. Released in 1990, it is the sequel to the 1989 film Forever Mery. It stars Francesco Benigno, Alessandro Di Sanzo and Salvatore Termini.Synopsis
Boys on the Outside is the sequel to the 1989 drama film Forever Mery, and features most of the same characters. The film is largely set in ZEN, a bleak, economically deprived quarter on the northern outskirts of Palermo, Sicily, at the end of the 1980s. Its protagonist is Natale Sperandeo (played by Palermo-born actor Francesco Benigno), a young man who has just been released from Malaspina, a juvenile detention centre. Unable to find legitimate work, he takes up with his former gang, consisting of unemployed youths like himself, and perpetrates an armed robbery.