Brideshead Revisited is a 2008 British drama film directed by Julian Jarrold. The screenplay by Jeremy Brock and Andrew Davies is based on the 1945 novel of the same name by Evelyn Waugh, which previously had been adapted in 1981 as an eleven-episode television serial.Synopsis
Although he aspires to become an artist, middle-class Charles Ryder (Matthew Goode) reads history at the University of Oxford, where he befriends the flamboyant and wealthy Lord Sebastian Flyte (Ben Whishaw). Sebastian's mother, Lady Marchmain, strongly disapproves of his life-style, especially his heavy drinking. When Sebastian takes him home to visit his nanny, Charles is enthralled by the grandeur of the Marchmain family estate, known as Brideshead, and he is entranced by its residents, including the devout Roman Catholic Lady Marchmain (Emma Thompson) and her other children, Sebastian's elder brother Bridey (Ed Stoppard) and his sisters Julia (Hayley Atwell) and Cordelia (Felicity Jones).