Bubble Gum is a 2011 Hindi film directed by Sanjivan Lal. The film was released on 29 July 2011 and upon release it got critical appreciation.
The film was among the 5 films you should've watched in 2011 by Rajeev Masand. The film was also listed among the best films of 2011 by Hindustan Times.Synopsis
BUBBLE GUM is a coming of an age story of family and for families....set in Industrial town of 1980 Jamshedpur - an era when there was no TV, Internet, mobile and face book! It is a fun, frothy and warm coming of an age story of a fourteen-year-old Vedant. He has just stepped out of childhood and has not yet stepped into adulthood. It is while going through turbulent phase of life in his academically critical year of Standard 9 first love or rather infatuation happens to him and sends his relationship with his family and his world upside down finally leading him to discover the meaning of love, life and relationship in a positive way!