Buz-e-Chini is the first ever Hazaragi language computer-animated 3D short film made, directed by Abbas Ali. The story is based on a folklore tale of Hazara people of Hazarajat, the central highlands of Afghanistan, where a cunning wolf tries to cheat three kids of a goat in the valley of Bamyan.
^ Hazara January 7, 2012 - 5:08 pm (2012-01-07). "Buz e Chini: The First Hazaragi 3D Short Animazion". Hazara People International Network. Retrieved 2012-05-15.
^ "بز چینی، طولانی ترین انیمیشن سینمای افغانستان | نما و صدا | DW.DE | 15.05.2012". DW.DE. 2012-04-23. Retrieved 2012-05-15.Synopsis
One day the Buz-e-Chini leaves and advises her kids Algag, Bulgag and Chulgag not open the door for anyone. After the Buz-e Chini leaves the cunning wolf comes to the kids and ask them to open the door. First they do not open the door but after sometime the wolf makes them open it. The wolf takes away two of the kids while the third one hides in the mud-oven.