Cheerleader Camp (also known as Bloody Pom Poms) is a 1988 American slasher film directed by John Quinn, and starring Betsy Russell, Leif Garrett, Lucinda Dickey, George "Buck" Flower, Teri Weigel, and Rebecca Ferratti. The plot follows a series of murders that occur over a weekend at a cheerleader camp during a competition.Synopsis
Alison (Betsy Russell) is a cheerleader at Lindo Valley who is struggling with feelings of inadequacy and anxiety. She has a dream in which she is performing a cheerleading routine to an empty stadium; suddenly, her arms are slashed open. She awakens only to realize she had been dreaming. With her fellow cheerleaders, boyfriend, Brent (Leif Garrett), and friend Timmy (Travis McKenna), Alison heads to a remote cheerleader camp called Camp Hurrah to compete in a contest, led by the icy Miss Tipton (Vickie Benson).