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ChickenHawk is a american film of genre Documentary released in USA on 1 january 1994

ChickenHawk (1994)

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Chicken Hawk: Men Who Love Boys is a 1994 award-winning documentary produced, written and directed by Adi Sideman. The film profiles members of the pedophile/pederasty organization North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) who discuss sexual relationships between men and boys below the age of consent. The film is an exposé on the group's controversial beliefs and their clandestine lifestyle. Sideman's evenhanded approach provides the audience with an insight into the group members' psyche. The film has drawn attention for its unique approach: letting its subjects, the NAMBLA Members, incriminate themselves in a public forum. Since its release, the film has been screened for the FBI, university criminology departments and other law enforcement agencies.

The term "chickenhawk" is used in gay slang to refer to an older man who chases after younger men.


The film describes the organization and its history. It presents a series of interviews with NAMBLA members who describe their feelings towards boys and justifications for such feelings.

Trailer of ChickenHawk

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