Christmas in Conway is a Hallmark Hall of Fame television movie. The film premiered on ABC on December 1, 2013 and starred Mary-Louise Parker, Andy Garcia, and Mandy Moore. It was directed by John Kent Harrison (The Courageous Heart of Irena Sendler) and written by Stephen P. Lindsey (Hachi: A Dog's Tale) and Luis Ugaz.
^ "Hallmark Hall of Fame Presents 'Christmas in Conway'". Hallmark corporate press release. Retrieved 5 February 2014.Synopsis
When terminally ill Suzy Mayor (Parker) leaves the hospital to spend her last days at her home in Conway, South Carolina, her grouch of a husband, Duncan (Garcia) is beside himself with concern for her and with annoyance at everyone else, including Natalie (Moore), the live-in hospice nurse who has come home with Suzy. When Duncan decides to build a Ferris wheel in the backyard as a Christmas present for Suzy, in honor of the place where Duncan proposed to her, the neighbors and townspeople of this quiet Southern town are quick to object.