Le Clown et ses chiens (aka The Clown and His Dogs) is an 1892 French short animated film directed by Émile Reynaud. It consists of 300 individually painted images and lasts about 15 minutes. It is one of the first animated films ever made and is rarely known about but was actually a large advance in motion picture technology.
One of the first animated films ever made, and alongside Pauvre Pierrot and Un bon bock was exhibited in October 1892 when Emile Reynaud opened his Théâtre Optique at the Musée Grévin. The combined performance of all three films was known as Pantomimes Lumineuses.
These were the first animated pictures publicly exhibited by means of picture bands. Reynaud gave the whole presentation himself manipulating the images.Synopsis
Le clown entre et salue. Les trois caniches font divers exercices : se tiennent debout, prennent la baguette dans leur gueule, passent à travers un cerceau, marchent sur une boule, sautent par-dessus la baguette, etc.