Control Bhaji Control is an upcoming Punjabi comedy film written & directed by Gaurav Singh, Produced by Real World Entertainment. The Film Stars Karan Kundra, Sangram Singh, Nachattar Gill, B.N Sharma, Upasna Singh, Simran, Sandeep, Harpal Singh, Savita Bhatti, Chandan Prabhakar, Rana Jungbahadur n others. Control Bhaji Control is expected to release on 22 August 2014.Synopsis
Dicky(Karan Kundra) and Vicky (Sangram Singh) are the naughtiest guys of the town who always think to con and fool their father Mr. Brar(Harpal Singh) and other people around them. They simultaneously fool the family of Sandy and Mandy to stay in their house coz they have fallen in love with the girls. They are given hard times by Jeet(Rana Jung Bahadur) and his son Sunny(Chandan Prabhakar).They create another series of lies to get rid of them. The situations become funny and complicated as the lies told by Dicky and Vicky start appearing as the true stories and they find themselves in confusing situations.