Country Strong (originally titled Love Don’t Let Me Down) is a 2010 drama film starring Gwyneth Paltrow, Tim McGraw, Garrett Hedlund, and Leighton Meester. The film, about an emotionally unstable country music star who attempts to resurrect her career, was directed and written by American filmmaker Shana Feste. It premiered in Nashville, Tennessee on November 8, 2010, and had a wide release in the United States on January 7, 2011. This is the second film in which McGraw and Hedlund have worked together, the first being Friday Night Lights in 2004.Synopsis
The film begins with Beau (Hedlund), singing with Kelly (Paltrow), a recovering alcoholic going through rehab. Beau is clearly smitten by her, and it is later revealed that the two have been having an affair, even though Kelly is married to James (McGraw). Kelly is checked out of rehab a month early by James, who wants her to go on a three-city tour to restore her image. She agrees on the condition that Beau becomes her opening act, but James has already made plans to see Chiles Stanton (Meester), a beauty queen with potential to become a rising singer, perform that night in hopes that she will be Kelly's opener instead.