Court is a 2014 Indian courtroom drama film, written and directed by Chaitanya Tamhane in his directorial debut. Featuring a cast of newcomers, the film examines the Indian legal system through the trial of an ageing folk singer at a Sessions Court in Mumbai.
Court premiered at the 71st Venice International Film Festival on 4 September 2014, where it won the Best Film in the Horizons category and the Luigi De Laurentiis (Lion Of The Future) award for Tamhane. Jay Weissberg of Variety described the film as "an impressive debut that flays alive India’s judicial system thanks to an intelligent, superbly understated script." The film went on to win 18 other awards at film festivals, including honours at the Mumbai, Vienna, Antalya, and Singapore film festivals. In 2015, the film won the Best Feature Film award at the 62nd National Film Awards, which honoured films released in 2014.
Court theatrically released in India on 17 April 2015. It was announced as India's official submission for the 88th Annual Academy Awards in the Best Foreign Language Film category.Synopsis
Le corps d'un ouvrier du traitement des eaux de la ville est retrouvé dans une bouche d'égout à Bombay. Narayan Kamble, chanteur folk et contestataire, est alors arrêté en plein concert, accusé d'avoir incité l'homme au suicide par l'une de ses chansons politiques et incendiaires. Un procès se met en place et s'enlise, de plus en plus labyrinthique et absurde. La cour de justice devient la caisse de résonance des tiraillements et des archaïsmes de l'Inde contemporaine.