Crave (also known under the working titles of Shatterbrain and Two Wolves) is a 2012 American drama thriller film directed by Charles de Lauzirika. The film stars Josh Lawson as a man who retreats into a fantasy world that comes with deadly consequences. Crave had its world premiere on July 24, 2012 at the Fantasia International Film Festival and had a wider theatrical and video on demand release on December 6, 2013.Synopsis
Aiden (Josh Lawson) is an underpaid and lonely freelance crime scene photographer that copes with the world around him by imagining himself as a hero that saves the day. His world is turned upside down when he meets Virginia (Emma Lung), who breathes new life into his daily routine and gives him a new sense of confidence. This gives him the courage to make his daydreams into a reality, which comes with some negative repercussions as Aiden's sense of justice might be considered warped.