Dad is a 1989 American comedy-drama film written and directed by Gary David Goldberg and starring Jack Lemmon, Ted Danson, Olympia Dukakis, Kevin Spacey and Ethan Hawke. It is based on William Wharton's novel of the same name. The original music score was composed by James Horner. The film was produced by Amblin Entertainment and distributed by Universal Pictures.Synopsis
John Tremont (Ted Danson) is a busy executive. He learns during a meeting that his mother has collapsed and been rushed to the hospital. Flying immediately to Los Angeles, he ends up becoming a caretaker of his father Jake (Jack Lemmon) while Bette Tremont (Olympia Dukakis) recovers from her heart-attack. A retired aerospace industry worker, Jake has become somewhat feeble and totally reliant on his wife, so John attempts to get him more involved in day-to-day things like taking care of the house.