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Dance House is a french film of genre Drama directed by Maurice Tourneur with Gaby Morlay

Dance House (1931)

Dance House
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Length 1h25
Directed by
Genres Drama
Rating53% 2.6561752.6561752.6561752.6561752.656175

Maison de danses (parfois orthographié Maison de danse) est un film français réalisé par Maurice Tourneur sorti en 1931.


Estrella, une jeune fille marchande de poissons de Cadix, devient danseuse après avoir été remarquée par Ramon, propriétaire de la Maison de danses. Elle suscite la jalousie des hommes, certains en viendront même à s’entre-tuer pendant qu'elle s'enfuit avec son petit ami Luisito...


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Suggestions of similar film to Dance House

There are 242 films with the same actors, 98 films with the same director, 61089 with the same cinematographic genres, 4870 films with the same themes (including 16 films with the same 3 themes than Dance House), to have finally 70 suggestions of similar films.

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Obsession (1934)
, 35minutes
Directed by Maurice Tourneur
Origin France
Genres Drama
Themes Medical-themed films, Psychologie, Théâtre, Films about psychiatry, Films based on plays
Actors Charles Vanel, Paul Amiot, Georges Paulais, Louise Lagrange, Louise Marquet, Jean Yonnel
Rating68% 3.409833.409833.409833.409833.40983
Raymond, un paranoïaque, est dans un asile car il a essayé de tuer sa femme Louise. Son avocat et son frère veulent le faire sortir, contre l'avis du docteur, et ils finissent par convaincre Louise.
Samson (1936)
, 1h30
Directed by Jacques Tourneur, Maurice Tourneur
Origin France
Genres Drama, Romance
Themes Théâtre, Films based on plays
Actors Harry Baur, Gaby Morlay, Gabrielle Dorziat, André Luguet, Suzy Prim, André Lefaur
Rating67% 3.354213.354213.354213.354213.35421
An aristocratic woman is coerced by her impoverished family into marrying a wealthy business tycoon.
The White Heather, 1h
Directed by Maurice Tourneur
Origin USA
Genres Drama
Themes Théâtre, Films based on plays
Actors Holmes Herbert, Ben Alexander, Ralph Graves, Mabel Ballin, John Gilbert, Spottiswoode Aitken

As described in a film magazine, Lord Angus Cameron (Herbert) of the White Heather country finds himself seriously embarrassed financially during a stock exchange panic and goes to Donald Cameron (Alexander) on his country estate for a loan. Donald refuses because Angus will not contract a favorable marriage with one of his class. With ruin facing him, Angus decides to rid himself of a secret marriage made with his housekeeper Marion Hume (Ballin) on his yacht before it was sunk. Documentary evidence of the marriage now lies many fathoms underwater, and one witness is dead while another, a sailor, has vanished on some voyage. During a hunt Angus accidentally shoots his son from the marriage, leading Marion to announce it to save her injured son. Angus denies the marriage, so Marion goes to her father James Hume (Aitken), while two admirers of Marion hunt for the missing witness in the London underworld. Her father fights for his daughter's honor in court, but the case is lost for lack of evidence, and he is ruined on the exchange, dying when he is unable to meet his liabilities. When the missing witness is found, Angus bribes him to disappear. There remain only the papers in a chest on the sunken yacht, and diving operations are ongoing. The two admirers and Lord Angus hasten to the scene. One of the admirers dives on the yacht as does Angus armed with a knife. During an underwater struggle Angus accidentally cuts his own air hose and is killed. The admirer returns to the surface with the proof of the marriage and claims Marion for himself, while the second admirer dies while also confessing his love.
The Life Line, 1h
Directed by Maurice Tourneur
Origin USA
Genres Drama
Themes Théâtre, Films based on plays
Actors Jack Holt, Wallace Beery, Seena Owen, Lew Cody, Tully Marshall, Pauline Starke
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Jack Hearne préfère vivre avec les bohémiens plutôt que de réclamer sa part du domaine de Cragsnest, dont dispose son demi-frère Phillip Royston. Toutefois, après avoir sauvé d'un incendie Ruth Heckett, la fille de son ami Joe, un oiseleur de Londres mais aussi un cambrioleur, il change d'état d'esprit et se marie avec elle. Ruth et Jack embarquent dans un steamer pour l'Amérique pour retrouver des témoins du mariage de ses parents et ainsi prouver son droit à l'héritage, Bos, un des complices de Joe, offre à Ruth une bible qu'il a volée à Cragsnest. Ce qu'ils ne savent pas, c'est que cette bible contient le certificat de mariage des parents de Jack, certificat que Royston recherche lui aussi, mais pour le détruire. Jack est attiré hors du bateau par Laura, une bohémienne sous le charme de Royston, matraqué, drogué, et jeté à l'eau, mais Bos réussit à le sauver. À Southampton, le steamer fait naufrage, ils sauvent Ruth, qui a entre-temps découvert le certificat, et d'autres passagers, pendant que Royston et Laura se noient.
Deep Waters, 50minutes
Directed by Maurice Tourneur
Origin USA
Genres Drama
Themes Théâtre, Films based on plays
Actors John Gilbert, Barbara Bedford, Florence Deshon, Jack McDonald, George Nichols, Marie Van Tassell

Henry Sanford, qui a un contrat pour construire un phare à Keyport, est attiré par Kate, la femme de Morgan Leroy, qui en devient jaloux. D'un autre côté, Bill Lacey, un membre de l'équipe du plongeur Caleb West, convoite Betty, la jeune et jolie femme de Caleb. Un jour, Bill est blessé lors d'un accident sur le site du phare et est amené chez Caleb, où Betty le soigne. Cependant, Kate s'est querellée avec son mari à propos d'Henry. Bill persuade Betty de partir avec lui pour Portland, mais elle a des remords et, réalisant qu'elle l'aime, retourne vers son mari, qui la rejette. Lors d'un naufrage, Caleb plonge pour récupérer le corps de Bill. Le Capitaine Bell explique à Caleb que c'est Betty qui a actionné la pompe à air qui le reliait au bateau. Il réalise qu'elle l'aime et se réconcilie avec elle. De leur côté, Morgan et Kate en font autant.
The County Fair, 50minutes
Directed by Maurice Tourneur, Edmund Mortimer
Origin USA
Genres Drama
Themes Théâtre, Films based on plays
Actors Helen Jerome Eddy, David Butler, Edythe Chapman, William V. Mong, Arthur Housman, John Steppling
Rating58% 2.945922.945922.945922.945922.94592
As summarized in a film publication, Aunt Abigail (Chapman) and her adopted daughter Sally (Eddy) are threatened with the loss of their home through foreclosure of a mortgage held by Solon Hammerhead (Mong). The only outlets available are either for Abigail to marry the old villain Salon or for Sally to marry his mean, scheming son Bruce (Housman). To prevent Aunt Abigail from losing her home, Sally is about to agree to marry the son, even though she loves the hired hand Joel (Butler). She has only a few days to decide before the mortgage falls due. That night former jockey Tim Vail breaks into the home looking for food, and sweet Aunt Abigail gives him a job on the farm. Tim discovers that Abigail's horse "Cold Molasses" is a born racer, and Tim and Joel get permission to train the horse for the big $3000 race at the County Fair, which takes place the day the mortgage comes due. The Hammerheads, discovering that the horse would likely beat their entry, attempt to keep her out of the race by setting fire to the barn, but Tim rescues the horse. The big race starts with Cold Molasses in the lead. At the last second the Hammerhead horse passes her and it looks like the house will be gone, but then the Hammerhead entry is disqualified for foul play. The winnings pay off the mortgage, Joel and Sally are happy, and even Aunt Abigail finds a suitor.
The Bait
The Bait (1921)
, 50minutes
Directed by Maurice Tourneur
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Crime
Themes Théâtre, Films based on plays
Actors Hope Hampton, Jack McDonald, Joseph Singleton

Based upon a summary in a film publication, Joan Grainger (Hampton) is about to be "sent up" to prison after being falsely accused of stealing when she is kidnapped by Bennett Barton (McDonald), mastermind of a band of crooks of which Simpson (Singleton) is a member. Joan accepts Bennett's assistance when he sends her to Europe and later joins her. They live in luxury when she meets John Warren (Woodward), a wealthy American. Joan receives her first jar of suspicion when Bennett introduces her to John as being Bennett's daughter. Bennett later tells her the plan is for her to marry John so that they will have access to the money. The girl rebels but Bennett threatens to send her back to prison or, still worse, expose her to John, with whom she has now fallen in love. The entire party return to the United States where Bennett forces Joan to accept John's proposal of marriage. In the meantime some members of Bennett's gang have double-crossed him and tell Joan of the original theft frame-up. A signed confession is secured from the girl that did the framing. In the effort to secure the confession, Bennett is killed by Simpson, who had been after the "goods" on Bennett. John is willing to have Joan despite all of this and they are happy.
The Whip
The Whip (1917)
, 48minutes
Directed by Maurice Tourneur
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Melodrama
Themes Théâtre, Films based on plays
Actors Irving Cummings, Alma Hanlon, Paul McAllister, June Elvidge, Warren Cook
Rating55% 2.7966552.7966552.7966552.7966552.796655
The movie tells the story of the training of a racehorse, the Whip, of the amnesiac nobleman who loves the horse, and of the villains who attempt to keep it from racing.
The Pride of the Clan, 1h24
Directed by Maurice Tourneur, Clarence Brown
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Comedy-drama, Romance
Themes Théâtre, Films based on plays
Actors Mary Pickford, Matt Moore, Leatrice Joy, Madlaine Traverse, Warren Cook
Rating63% 3.1896053.1896053.1896053.1896053.189605
Son père, chef d'un clan sur la côte ouest de l'Écosse, étant décédé en mer lors d'une tempête, Marget MacTavish console les autres membres du clan malgré son chagrin. Le dimanche suivant, Marget devient chef du clan et conduit tout le monde dans une église proche, seul David Pitcairn ne s'y rend pas, car il pense que prier ne sert à rien. Quand Marget et Jamie Campbell, un jeune pêcheur, se fiancent lors d'une cérémonie traditionnelle, M Campbell écrit à la Comtesse de Dunstable pour lui confesser que, des années auparavant alors qu'elle était la nurse de Jamie, elle avait dit qu'il était mort afin de l'élever pour elle-même. La Comtesse arrive avec son second mari, qui convainc Marget que, pour le bien de Jamie, elle devrait rompre les fiançailles. Malgré les protestations de Jamie, Marget use de son autorité de chef pour lui ordonner de la quitter. Marget part en mer pour quitter la région, mais son vieux bateau, peu en état de naviguer, commence à couler. Pitcairn sonne l'alarme, puis prie pour Marget pendant que Jamie prend le canot à moteur du yacht de sa mère pour la sauver. Les parents de Jamie acceptent finalement le mariage.
The Poor Little Rich Girl, 1h5
Directed by Maurice Tourneur
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Comedy, Comedy-drama, Fantasy, Romance
Themes Théâtre, Films based on plays
Actors Mary Pickford, Madlaine Traverse, Charles Wellesley, Frank McGlynn Sr., Marcia Harris, Frank McGlynn Sr.
Rating66% 3.3391453.3391453.3391453.3391453.339145
Gwendolyn is an 11-year-old girl who is left by her rich and busy parents to the care of unsympathetic domestic workers at the family's mansion. Her mother is only interested in her social life and her father has serious financial problem and is even contemplating suicide.