Dick Figures: The Movie is a 2013 American independent animated adventure-action comedy film, written, directed by and starring Ed Skudder and Zack Keller, distributed by Mondo Media. It is based off Skudder's animated web series Dick Figures. It is Mondo's first animated feature-length production and independent company Six Point Harness' first original feature film. The film was released for rent and purchase on September 17, 2013 on digital download and streaming services including iTunes, Amazon Video, Google Play, PlayStation Network, Xbox Video, Vudu, Netflix, Hulu and Yekra, an all-new movie watching site for indie films. The film was then released a week later on iTunes in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand. One of the film's Executive Producers, Aaron Simpson, aimed to give everyone access to the film, whether they could afford a paid digital download or not, so the movie was also distributed on YouTube in 12 chapters over the course of 3 months.
The film was split into 12 different chapters and published onto YouTube by Mondo. $313,411 was raised through the mass-funding platform Kickstarter from 5,616 backers (including Warren Graff, Fred Seibert, Gundarr creators Corey McDaniel & Ted Wilson, amongst others) through May 31 to July 16, 2012, out of originally a $250,000 goal, breaking the record for the most funded animation project through the site, until it was surpassed by Blur Studio's The Goon (an upcoming computer-animated adaptation to Eric Powell's graphic novel series of the same name) on November 2012. Dick Figures: The Movie successfully had a theatrical debut at the Buffer Festival in Toronto on November 9, 2013 and became available on DVD and Blu-ray in the United States on December 3, 2013.Synopsis
A meteor speeds towards Earth while characters of the series are dropped off a bus for elementary school. After Blue accidentally walks onto the 5th graders' playground, Broseph, the leader of the 5th Graders, has them beat up Blue. They are interrupted by the arrival of the meteor which crashes into Broseph, killing him. In the crater, Red emerges and beats off all the fifth graders. A grateful Blue promises to be Red's best friend no matter what happens. The movie goes through a montage of Red and Blue's time through school until the two graduate from university; Blue tries to be a conscientious student while Red lives a largely hedonistic, irresponsible lifestyle.