Earthbound was a silent film from Goldwyn Pictures Corporation that was released on August 11, 1920. The film was written by Edfrid A. Bingham from a story by Basil King, and directed by T. Hayes Hunter. Earthbound was produced by Basil King with cinematography by André Barlatier, film editing by J.G. Hawks and art direction from Cedric Gibbons.
A print is prepared and preserved by MGM.Synopsis
Since their college days, Desborough and Rittenshaw have pretended to live by the creed, "No God, no sin, no future life." To this Breck, an author, refuses to subscribe, though the three are intimate friends of long standing. A cloud on their relationship which rapidly assumes tragic proportions, is the intimacy between Desborough and the beautiful wife of Rittenshaw. The latter first has his eyes opened by the suffering wife of Desborough. He waits until he has definite proofs, then kills Desborough on sight at their club.