Edge of Darkness is a 2010 British-American political thriller film directed by Martin Campbell and also produced by Michael Wearing, starring Mel Gibson. It was based on the 1985 BBC television series of the same name, which was likewise directed by Campbell. This was Gibson's first screen lead since Signs, which was released in late 2002. Edge of Darkness follows a detective (Gibson) investigating the murder of his activist daughter (Bojana Novakovic), while uncovering political conspiracies and cover-ups in the process.Synopsis
By moonlight, three bodies float to the surface of the Western Massachusetts stretch of the Connecticut River. At South Station, Boston, police homicide detective Thomas Craven (Mel Gibson) picks up his daughter, Emma (Bojana Novakovic), coming home to visit. She vomits while getting into the car. At home, as Craven prepares dinner, Emma's nose starts to bleed, she vomits again, and becomes frantic, saying that she needs to see a doctor and tell Craven something.