Daft Punk's Electroma is a 2006 film by French electronic music duo Daft Punk. The plot revolves around the quest of two robots (the band members, played by Peter Hurteau and Michael Reich) to become human. The music featured in the film is not by Daft Punk, which is a first for the duo after their previous film and home video releases, D.A.F.T. and Interstella 5555. The duo instead served as directors and co-wrote the film along with Daft Arts manager Paul Hahn and collaborator Cédric Hervet. While initially receiving mixed reviews, theatrical screenings of Electroma have since been well received.Synopsis
The two lead characters appear as the robotic forms of Daft Punk and are credited as "Hero Robot No. 1" and "Hero Robot No. 2". One wears a silver helmet and the other wears a golden one. An opening scene shows the duo driving in a 1987 Ferrari 412 with its license plate displaying "HUMAN". After passing through a Southwestern United States landscape, the duo arrives by car at a town in Inyo County, California. The town's resident are also shown to be robots physically identical to the two main characters, but at different ages, with different clothing and alternating gender.