Elephants Dream (code-named Orange) is a computer-generated short film that was produced almost completely using the free software 3D suite Blender (except for the modular sound studio Reaktor and the cluster that rendered the final production, which ran Mac OS X). It premiered on 24 March 2006, after about 8 months of work. Beginning in September 2005, it was developed under the name Orange by a team of seven artists and animators from around the world. It was later renamed Machina and then to Elephants Dream, referring to a Dutch tradition used by parents to abruptly end children's bedtime stories with introducing a sneezing elephant.Synopsis
Elephants Dream est une courte histoire mettant en scène deux personnages, Emo et Proog, dans un monde modelé par les pensées des deux personnages. Proog, l'aîné, est émerveillé par ce monde et ses mystères ; Emo, de son côté, est lassé de son environnement.