ELI is an award-winning short science-fiction thriller starring David Anders. It debuted at the Newport Beach Film Festival in April 2007 and premiered in Los Angeles on the Universal Studios backlot. The film was directed and edited by Josh Lee Kwai, written by Tyler Erskine and Ron Beyers, and produced by Erskine, Beyers, Lee Kwai and Jeff Poppen as a filmmakers “calling card.” With a budget of $40,000, ELI was financed by the producers, donations from their friends and family and a grant from the LEF Foundation. Non-profit arts organization Fractured Atlas acted as fiscal sponsor allowing donors to make tax-deductible contributions. The film was shot on HD using a Sony F-900 donated by Panavision. Shooting lasted five and a half days in five different locations in the greater Los Angeles area including Irvine, Downey and Leo Carrillo State Park.Synopsis
A man wakes up in a hospital, lying on an operating table. He has no idea where he is and cannot even remember who he is. He jumps up and runs out of the room, searching the area and trying to figure out what's going on. He escapes from several doctors and orderlies who try to sedate him and stumbles through the eerie building, owned by the Mirror Corporation. The man keeps trying to figure out where he is, what's going on, and most of all, who he is. He notices that he has a strange tattoo on his hand that says "ELI," and abruptly has a memory of a mysterious woman on a serene beach.