ESPY (エスパイ, Esupai) is a 1974 film based on the novel of the same name by Sakyo Komatsu. The film was directed by Jun Fukuda from a screenplay by Ei Ogawa. It stars Masao Kusakari, Kaoru Yumi, Tomisaburo Wakayama, and Eiji Okada. The film was released to U.S. television under the title E.S.P./Spy, which remained onscreen for its VHS release under the international title, ESPY.Synopsis
The film deals with the recruitment of racecar driver Jiro Miki (Kusakari) and his dog, Cheetah, to a group of people who use ESP, psychokinesis, and other special mental abilities to fight crime. The major villain is Wolf (Wakayama), whose behavior stems as a result of the prejudicial murder of his father over his father's psychic abilities.