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Eternal Melody is a italien film of genre Drama directed by Carmine Gallone released in USA on 13 february 1948 with Gino Cervi

Eternal Melody (1940)

Eternal Melody
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Released in USA 13 february 1948
Length 1h37
Directed by
Genres Drama
Rating51% 2.586782.586782.586782.586782.58678

Eternal Melodies (Italian:Melodie eterne) is a 1940 Italian historical drama film directed by Carmine Gallone and starring Gino Cervi, Conchita Montenegro and Luisella Beghi. It was one of several musical biopics directed by Gallone. The film was shot at Cinecittà in Rome.


A heavily fictionalized account of the life of the Austrian composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756–1791).


Gino Cervi

(Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)
Conchita Montenegro

(Aloisa Weber Lange)
Luisella Beghi

(Costanza Weber Mozart)
Maria Jacobini

(Anna Maria Mozart)
Jone Salinas

(Nannina Mozart)
Trailer of Eternal Melody

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