Evixion is a 1986 Canadian docudrama film produced and directed by Bashar Shbib. The film is about the tenants of a dilapidated apartment building in Montreal who receive an eviction notice and have to deal with the possibility of being homeless. The cast includes Roland Smith, Claire Nadon, Kennon Raines, Pierre Curzi, Piotr Lysak and Jean-Claude Gingras. It was criticized for its lack of a proper plot or purpose. It was first released on 26 August 1968 at the World Film Festival in Montreal.Synopsis
Un assemblage hétéroclite de locataires marginaux tente de résister aux manigances d'un propriétaire qui essaie de les expulser de leurs logements. Les personnages s'espionnent, s'infiltrent les uns chez les autres, se volent, s'aiment, se jalousent.