Exiled: A Law & Order Movie is a 1998 television film that is based on the Law & Order police procedural and legal drama television series; it originally aired on NBC. Written by Charles Kipps (from a story by Kipps and Chris Noth), the movie revolves around Noth's character, Detective Mike Logan. Kipps received a 1999 Edgar Award for his screenplay.Synopsis
The movie begins three years after Detective Mike Logan's final appearance on Law & Order in 1995. At the end of the episode "Pride", Logan punches a corrupt, homophobic politician in the face on the courthouse steps after the man's acquittal on a murder charge, in front of several reporters. Although he does not lose his job, Logan is "administratively re-assigned" to the Domestic Disputes Department on Staten Island. While he struggles to cope with feelings of resentment and isolation, fate offers him a chance at redemption when a forgotten murder case unexpectedly drifts Logan's way.