Fight or Flight is a 2007 documentary film produced by Peter J McCarthy and directed by McCarthy and Shane Sutton. The film won "Best Foreign Documentary" at the Long Island Film Festival as well as "Best Documentary" at festivals in Hamburg, Toronto and California. The film took over five years to make and was first premiered at the DocNz International film festival in Auckland, New Zealand in October 2007. It is based on a man's journey into the heart of Thai boxing (Muay Thai boxing) in Thailand. The film was funded by the Irish Film Board. The production involved two years of travelling throughout Thailand's ring fighting scene. Fight or Flight was in production at the same time Ong Bak was released. Fight or Flight is being broadcast in 2010 on Halogen TV (USA), Viasat (Scandinavia & Eastern Europe) and Filmmaster (Italy).Synopsis
Un terroriste s'introduit dans un immeuble sécurisé occupé par des employés de la C.I.A. Parvenant jusqu'au laboratoire, il provoque volontairement la fuite d'un gaz expérimental. Le fait de respirer ce gaz transforme les victimes en zombies agressifs. Rapidement la plus grande partie du personnel est touchée. Pendant ce temps les autorités cernent le bâtiment et empêchent les pompiers d'y pénétrer, au grand dam de la police locale. Un groupe de quelques survivants parmi lequel se trouve l'inventeur du produit va tenter de trouver une solution...