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Girl with a Suitcase is a italien film of genre Drama directed by Valerio Zurlini released in USA on 11 september 1961 with Claudia Cardinale

Girl with a Suitcase (1961)

La Ragazza con la valigia

Girl with a Suitcase
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Released in USA 11 september 1961
Length 2h1
Directed by
Genres Drama,    Comedy,    Comedy-drama,    Romance
Rating74% 3.74023.74023.74023.74023.7402

Girl with a Suitcase (Italian: La ragazza con la valigia) is a 1961 Italian romantic drama film by Italian Director Valerio Zurlini starring Claudia Cardinale as a naive nightclub singer who lives on the good will of others. It was entered into the 1961 Cannes Film Festival.

^ "Festival de Cannes: Girl with a Suitcase". Retrieved 2009-02-21.


When Aida (Claudia Cardinale) is dumped by her lover, she travels alone to the big city. Her former lover's younger brother Lorenzo (Jacques Perrin) takes her in, protecting her and falling in love with her. The "pair" have many obstacles: their ages (Lorenzo being only 16) and Lorenzo's family, who go to great lengths trying to stop this cross-class affair (with Aida in the lower class).


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