Goats is a 2012 comedy-drama film directed by Christopher Neil and written by Mark Poirier based on his novel, Goats. The film stars David Duchovny, Vera Farmiga, Graham Phillips, Keri Russell, Justin Kirk, and Ty Burrell. The film premiered at the Sundance Film Festival on January 24, 2012, and was given a limited release in the United States on August 10, 2012.Synopsis
Fifteen-year-old Ellis Whitman (Graham Phillips) is leaving his home in Tucson, Arizona for his freshman year at Gates Academy, an East Coast prep school. He leaves behind Wendy (Vera Farmiga), his flaky, New Age mother, and Goat Man (David Duchovny), a weed-smoking goat trekker and botanist. Goat Man is the only real father that Ellis has ever known, since his biological father, Frank (Ty Burrell), left when he was a baby.