Half Marriage is an American melodramatic film directed by William J. Cohen from a script by Jane Murfin, based on the short story of the same name by George Kibbe Turner. The film starred Olive Borden and Morgan Farley, while the later-famed gossip columnist, Hedda Hopper played Borden's mother.
^ "Half Marriage: Full Credits". Retrieved April 2, 2014.
^ "Half Marriage: Detail View". American Film Institute. Retrieved June 3, 2014.
^ "Half Marriage: Screenplay Info". Turner Classic Movies. Retrieved April 2, 2014.Synopsis
Judy Page is a young society girl who falls in love with an architect who works in her father's architectural firm, Dick Carroll. She lives in Greenwich Village in New York City, and one night after a party at her apartment, she runs off with Dick to get married. They are intercepted by Judy's mother at the apartment, who, not realizing they have already been married, insists that Judy return with her to their estate in the country. Dick remains behind in Judy's apartment.