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Hamlet is a film of genre Drama directed by Eleuterio Rodolfi with Ruggero Ruggeri

Hamlet (1917)

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Genres Drama,    Historical,    Crime

Halmet (Italian:Amleto) is a 1917 Italian silent drama film directed by Eleuterio Rodolfi and starring Ruggero Ruggeri, Helena Makowska and Mercedes Brignone. It is an adaptation of William Shakespeare's play Hamlet.

^ The Edinburgh Companion to Shakespeare p.476


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Suggestions of similar film to Hamlet

There are 25 films with the same actors, 3 films with the same director, 67037 with the same cinematographic genres (including 209 with exactly the same 3 genres than Hamlet), 4292 films with the same themes, to have finally 70 suggestions of similar films.

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Vanity (1947)

Directed by Giorgio Pàstina
Origin Italie
Genres Drama
Themes Théâtre, Films based on plays
Actors Walter Chiari, Liliana Laine, Dina Galli, Ruggero Ruggeri, Luigi Almirante, Alda Mangini

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The Great Train Robbery, 11minutes
Directed by Edwin S. Porter, Wallace McCutcheon
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Thriller, Action, Adventure, Historical, Crime, Western
Themes Films about terrorism, Transport films, Rail transport films, Films based on plays, Heist films, Films about hijackings
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The film opens with two bandits breaking into a railroad telegraph office, where they force the operator at gunpoint to have a train stopped and to transmit orders for the engineer orders to fill the locomotive's tender at the station's water tank. They then knock operator out and tie him up. As the train stops it is boarded by the bandits—​now four. Two bandits enter an express car, kill a messenger and open a box of valuables with dynamite; the others kill the fireman and force the engineer to halt the train and disconnect the locomotive. The bandits then force the passengers off the train and rifle them for their belongings. One passenger tries to escape, but is instantly shot down. Carrying their loot, the bandits escape in the locomotive, later stopping in a valley where their horses had been left.
The Swan
The Swan (1956)
, 1h44
Directed by Charles Vidor
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Comedy, Romantic comedy, Historical, Romance
Themes Monde imaginaire, Théâtre, Films based on plays
Actors Grace Kelly, Alec Guinness, Louis Jourdan, Jessie Royce Landis, Estelle Winwood, Brian Aherne
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The Supper
The Supper (1992)
, 1h30
Directed by Édouard Molinaro
Origin France
Genres Drama, Historical
Themes Cooking films, L'action se déroule en une journée, Théâtre, Films based on plays, Histoire de France
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Paris, 6 juillet 1815. Le peuple français est inquiet pour son avenir : Napoléon ayant été vaincu à Waterloo, le pays se retrouve sans dirigeant. Talleyrand, ancien ministre des Affaires étrangères, invite à dîner dans son hôtel Fouché, ancien ministre de la Police et actuel chef du gouvernement provisoire, pour en discuter et choisir un nouveau souverain pour la France. Commence alors un long duel verbal entre les deux hommes : Talleyrand pense qu'il faut revenir à la monarchie et mettre Louis XVIII sur le trône, Fouché hésite car il a autrefois voté l’exécution de Louis XVI et craint que son frère Louis XVIII le lui fasse payer. Fouché propose tour à tour Napoléon II, Louis Philippe d'Orléans ou le retour à la république mais Talleyrand reste campé sur sa position. La joute tourne au règlement de comptes lorsque chacun commence à évoquer les crimes que l'autre a commis pour gravir les échelons.