Hansel & Gretel is a 2013 American horror film produced by The Asylum and directed by Anthony C. Ferrante. A modern take of the Brothers Grimm fairytale of the same name, the film stars Dee Wallace, Brent Lydic and Stephanie Greco. The film is a mockbuster of the Paramount Pictures and Metro Goldwyn Mayer film Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters.Synopsis
Teen siblings Hansel and Gretel Grimm are abducted by an elderly recluse named Lilith and witness the horrors of her home in the woods. Lilith and her moronic sons are involved in a conspiracy to fatten up children before she eats them and the local population to serve in meat pies in her local shop "the Gingerbread House". The plot revolves around their attempts to escape the clutches of this old age pensioner, and her mute sons.