Happiness is a 2014 French-Finnish documentary film written, directed and produced by Thomas Balmès. The film premiered in-competition at the 2014 Sundance Film Festival on January 17, 2014. It won the Documentary World Cinema Cinematography Award at the festival.
The film premiered at 2014 Thessaloniki Documentary Festival in Views of the World section, on March 16, 2014. It also premiered at 2014 San Francisco International Film Festival on April 27, 2014.Synopsis
In 1999, when Jigme Singye Wangchuck authorized television and the Internet throughout Bhutan, it had a rapid impact on the country. The film follows events through the eyes of an eight year old monk named Peyangki, praying eagerly for a TV set in Laya, the last village in Bhutan to go through the process of globalization.