For the manga series, see Ghost Stories (anime)
School Ghost Stories (学校の怪談, Gakkō no Kaidan) is a 1995 Japanese film directed by Hideyuki Hirayama. The film is the first of the School Ghost Stories features, and was followed by School Ghost Stories 2 in 1996.Synopsis
The movie revolves around an elementary school where a girl called Mika disappears mysteriously after following the sound of laughter into the bathroom. The rumors of the school being haunted, strange things happening around 4:44 AM and the disappearance of children soon come to emerge, but Mika's older sister and her friends decide to go after Mika despite this. However, they soon find out all the rumors are true, and now they not only have to find the girl, but also save themselves from the malevolent ghosts that haunt the school building.