Henry Aldrich Plays Cupid is a 1944 American comedy film directed by Hugh Bennett and written by Muriel Roy Bolton and Val Burton. The film stars Jimmy Lydon, Charles Smith, John Litel, Olive Blakeney, Diana Lynn and Vaughan Glaser. The film was released in April 1944, by Paramount Pictures.
, 57minutes Directed byNoel M. Smith OriginUSA GenresDrama, Comedy, Romantic comedy ThemesFilms based on plays ActorsGrant Mitchell, Nana Bryant, John Litel, George Reeves, Lee Patrick, Jan Clayton Rating61% Carpet-sweeper manufacturer Mr. Bower (Grant Mitchell), runs his home like he runs his carpet-sweeper factory: pinching pennies, turning off lights, and interfering in every aspect of his loved ones' private lives. He is trying to manage things at home and attempting to hoodwink the IRS at the factory, and is on the verge of a nervous breakdown.