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Inheritance in Pretoria is a film of genre Drama directed by Johannes Meyer with Paul Hartmann

Inheritance in Pretoria (1934)

Inheritance in Pretoria
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Length 1h35
Directed by ,    
Genres Drama

The Legacy of Pretoria (German:Das Erbe von Pretoria) is a 1936 German drama film directed by Johannes Meyer and starring Paul Hartmann, Charlotte Susa and Paul Henckels. It was based on the novel Die Reise nach Pretoria by Ludwig von Wohl. A German man inherits a business in South Africa, but struggles to run it.


Paul Hartmann

(Bernhard Fredersen)
Charlotte Susa

(Agnes Fredersen)
Paul Henckels

Gustaf Gründgens

(Eugen Schliebach)
Kurt Vespermann

(Hans Joachim Förster)
Trailer of Inheritance in Pretoria

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