Insidious: Chapter 2 is a 2013 American supernatural horror film directed by James Wan. It is a sequel to Insidious and the second installment in the Insidious film series. The film stars Patrick Wilson and Rose Byrne reprising their roles as Josh and Renai Lambert, a husband and wife who seek to uncover the secret that has left them dangerously connected to the spirit world.
The film was released September 13, 2013. A prequel film, Insidious: Chapter 3, was released on June 5, 2015.Synopsis
In 1986, Carl calls his friend Elise Ranier to help discover what is haunting Lorraine Lambert's son, Josh. After hypnotizing Josh, Elise attempts to find the location of Josh's "friend", an old woman who appears in photographs of him. She makes her way to his bedroom closet and is scratched on the arm. When they return to Josh, he stands up in a trance, and says, "I'll show you," before walking to a door and pointing at it as it opens on its own. Lorraine, Carl and Elise agree that making Josh forget his astral projection abilities is the best thing to do.