Into the Wind is a 2010 documentary film which chronicles the story of Terry Fox. At the age of 18, Fox was diagnosed with osteosarcoma. The cancer had taken over his right leg, which was then amputated six inches above the knee. However, three years later, Fox set out to raise funds for cancer research and raise awareness by running 30 miles a day from the Atlantic Ocean in Newfoundland to the Pacific Ocean in British Columbia, totaling over 4000 miles. The film was directed by the NBA star Steve Nash who grew up in Canada and followed Fox’s run across the country as a kid in 1980, and narrated by Taylor Kitsch. Two thirds across Canada, Fox was once again diagnosed with cancer, which had spread to his lungs. Fox died at the age of 22, inspiring the Terry Fox Foundation.
The film aired on TSN2, in Canada on September 19, 2010, and on ESPN, in the United States on September 28, 2010, as part of the 30 for 30 series.Synopsis
Trois années après avoir été amputé de la jambe droite au-dessus du genou, Terry Fox décide de lever des fonds pour la recherche sur le cancer en courant un marathon chaque jour à travers le Canada. En 143 jours, il couvre plus de 5000 kilomètres, inspirant des millions et touchant la nation au cœur avec son marathon de l’espoir. Primé deux fois "Most Valuable Player" par la National Basketball Association, fier d’être Canadien, Steve Nash présente pour son premier film l’histoire incroyable de persévérance et d’espoir de Terry Fox.