John Doe: Vigilante (also known as John Doe) is a 2014 crime thriller,directed by Kelly Dolen. The Story is written by Kelly Dolen and Stephen M.Coates. The Screenplay was written by Stephen M.Coates. The film stars Daniel Lissing, Jamie Bamber, Lachy Hulme and Ditch Davey.Synopsis
John Doe (Jamie Bamber) is an ordinary man who decides to take the law into his own hands due to frustration with a failing legal system. Doe exacts his justice by killing one criminal at a time, and gaining attention from the media in the process, inspiring other copycat vigilantes.John Doe is a masked vigilante who goes out on the streets and hunts down serial killers so he can somewhat brutally murder them. One of the unique things about this indie film is that you get to hear both sides of the story, one of them from John Doe who has already been caught and arrested, and another from the media and police, which many films dealing with vigilantes focus less on.