Kangaroo Jack is a 2003 American-Australian buddy-action black comedy film from Warner Bros., written by Steve Bing, Barry O' Brien and Scott Rosenberg, directed by David McNally, produced by Jerry Bruckheimer with music by Trevor Rabin and starring Jerry O'Connell, Anthony Anderson, Christopher Walken, Estella Warren and Adam Garcia. An animated children's sequel, titled Kangaroo Jack: G'Day U.S.A.!, was produced and released on video in 2004. The film was panned by critics. Critics overall expressed dislike for the film's acting, directing, length, writing and humor inappropriate for a film aimed at children. It received a rating of 8% on Rotten Tomatoes and it earned $88,929,111 on a $60 million budget.Synopsis
In 1982, a boy named Charlie Carbone (Jerry O'Connell) is about to become the stepson of a mobster named Salvatore Maggio (Christopher Walken). On that same day, he meets his new best friend, Louis Booker (Anthony Anderson), who saves him from drowning, and the mobster's apprentice Frankie Lombardo (Michael Shannon), who was recently released from juvenile hall and tried to drown Charlie intentionally.