L'Affaire Chebeya (un crime d'Etat ?) is a documentary directed by Thierry Michel that was released in February 2012.
The award-winning film explores the assassination of a human rights activist in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and the subsequent trial.Synopsis
Floribert Chebeya was a human rights activist who had survived Mobutu Sese Seko's dictatorship and the subsequent civil war. On 2 June 2010, his body was found in a car near the capital, Kinshasa. The police quickly painted a scenario that made Chebeya the routine victim of a crime with sexual connotations. However, this version of the events broke down after an investigation in which the police were implicated. The government agreed to bring some of the highest police officials to justice in a military court, handing out stiff sentences to those found guilty and awarding compensation to the victims.