La Luna (IPA: /laˈluna/ [laˈluːna], Italian for The Moon) is a 2011 Pixar computer-animated short film, directed and written by Enrico Casarosa. The short premiered on June 6, 2011 at the Annecy International Animated Film Festival in France, and was paired with Pixar's Brave for its theatrical release on June 22, 2012, being shown before the film's beginning. La Luna was released on November 13, 2012, on the Brave DVD and Blu-ray, and on a new Pixar Short Films Collection, Volume 2, the second collection of Pixar's short films. La Luna was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film at the 84th Academy Awards.Synopsis
A young boy, Bambino, goes on a midnight sailing trip with his father Papà and grandfather Nonno. After they anchor their boat in the middle of the sea, Nonno presents Bambino with a cap similar to the ones he and Papà wear. The two men disagree on how Bambino should wear it, with Papà pulling it low over his eyes and Nonno pushing it back on his head. Papà sets up a long ladder for Bambino to climb so he can set the boat's anchor on the full moon, and the three ascend to start their work of sweeping fallen stars off the lunar surface.