LD 50 Lethal Dose (aka "Lethal Dose" or "LD50") is a 2003 horror film directed by Simon De Selva, produced by Alistair MacLean-Clark and Basil Stephens and written by Matthew McGuchan. A group of animal rights activists set off to free an imprisoned colleague from a terrifying ordeal but their rescue mission turns into a series of twisted and mind bending incidents. Starring Tom Hardy, Katharine Towne and Melanie Brown.Synopsis
Animal activists break into an animal research facility, when Gary (McCall) gets caught in a bear trap. Unable to free Gary, the rest of the group flees, leaving Gary to take the blame. A year later, the group has since disbanded until an encrypted e-mail from Gary arrives asking for help. Danny (Bill), who has been visiting Gary in prison, tells the group that Gary has traded his body for experiments in exchange for a reduced sentence.