Legend of a Rabbit (Chinese: 兔侠传奇), released in the United States as Legend of Kung Fu Rabbit, is a 2011 Chinese animated film directed by Sun Yijun. The film features the original cast of Fan Wei, Yan Ni, Zhang Fengyi, Zhang Yishan and Pu Cunxin. In the English version, it stars the voices of Jon Heder, Tom Arnold, Rebecca Black, Michael Clarke Duncan and Claire Geare.
The film was released in 62 countries, and was the first Chinese animated feature ever to be shown internationally. The film was a box office bomb in China, only managing to gross CNY16.2 million out of its CNY120 million budget. Responses to the film were also negative, with some noting it as a rip-off to the Kung Fu Panda film franchise.
The film was released on DVD in the United States in September 2013. A sequel to the film is in the works.Synopsis
A rabbit named Tu'er has an occupation of cooking pancakes in Beijing. The rabbit is trained by a monkey kung fu master named Laoguanzhu, so he can defeat the master's enemy, a panda named Xiongtianba, who is later revealed that he is a fake.