Life with Judy Garland: Me and My Shadows is a 2001 television film based on the memoirs of Lorna Luft, the daughter of Garland. The production is notable for its meticulous recreations of her films and concerts, and verisimilitudinous impressions of her by Tammy Blanchard and Judy Davis. However, Judy Garland's original recordings are used to dub Davis's singing.
The film, which chronicles Garland's life from her first public performance in 1924 until her death in 1969, is divided into two parts: the first part depicts her rise to fame in the 1930s, her descent into drugs, and her fall from grace in the 1950s. The second part of the drama begins with her marriage to Sid Luft, and proceeds to chronicle her successful return to movies with A Star is Born, her personal issues and her death at the age of 47. Davis' performance was critically acclaimed–she won an Emmy Award for Best Actress and was nominated for a Golden Globe for Best Actress in a Miniseries.Synopsis
Christmas 1924: Two-year-old Frances Gumm performs in public for the first time, singing "Jingle Bells". Her mother, Ethel, watches from the audience while her father, Frank, watches from backstage. Ethel is unhappy with her marriage because of her husband's homosexuality. To help herself cope, she moves the family to Hollywood with the hope that her daughters will break into the movie business.