Lost Cat Corona is an upcoming American comedy film written and directed by Anthony Tarsitano. The film stars Ralph Macchio, Gina Gershon, Paul Sorvino and Sean Young with David Zayas, Summer Crockett Moore and Anthony Ruivivar in supporting roles.
A play-it-safe guy (Ralph Macchio) must search for his wife's (Gina Gershon) missing cat, bringing him face-to-face with the colorful, wacky, and sometimes, the more dangerous element of his neighborhood, forcing him to confront his fears and rethink his M.O.Synopsis
Un homme qui joue la carte de la sécurité doit rechercher le chat disparu de sa femme, le confronter à l'élément coloré, farfelu et parfois plus dangereux de son quartier, l'obligeant à affronter ses peurs et à repenser son mode opératoire.